Graphic Design

We offer a comprehensive range of creative solutions tailored to meet your needs. From eye-catching logos and branding, to print materials and digital assets, we ensure your visual identity shines across every touchpoint, leaving a lasting impression.

Web Design & Development

Transform your online presence with our full-service website design and development services. From initial concept to development and deployment, we handle every aspect of the process with precision and attention to detail. Fully supported by in-house photography and video

Digital Marketing

Whether you're a small business looking to establish a foothold online or a large corporation aiming to expand your digital reach, we craft tailored strategies to amplify your brand's visibility and engage your audience effectively. From SEO to ad campaigns, we specialize in driving targeted traffic and maximizing ROI.

Our Process

Whatever stage your business is at, we're here to help you reach your destination. We work with you, collaboratively and strategically advancing your business. We will guide you every step of the way.



Let's start by getting acquainted. We'll delve into your vision, goals, and market, developing a tailored strategy that sets you apart from your competitors.



Time to explore. We let our creative ideas fly and explore a broad range of design solutions, collaborating with you every step of the way to refine and narrow down a creative direction.



Once a creative direction is chosen we arrive at the final destination. We bring concepts to life, crafting and reviewing final touchpoints and deliverables for launch.

Logo for National Marine and Diving

Due to the work with Wingman, our company has been nationally recognized. We have been approached by several television production companies and recorded one episode on Dirty Jobs Season 10 Episode 8.

Dennis J. Walker

National Marine & Diving Services

One thing we always tell people it's not a question of can you afford to advertise your company, it's how can you afford not to.

Les Woodring

L.E.W. Integrity Services

Wingman Design + Marketing's extraordinary talent and genius has solidified their business as a one-stop shop for all our digital marketing needs.

JMichael Wuestemann

Executive V.P. Sales & Marketing AQUA 9+

From design and development to digital marketing, let’s Create your success story together.

Lets Work together

Do you need one thing or everything? Big or small, we can help.

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